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Of all Masonic children’s homes in the Masonic Homes Executives Association of North America, Nebraska’s Masonic-Eastern Star Home for Children operated with the lowest number of employees, lowest budget and lowest ratio of employees to residents. Disaster relief funds totaling $15,400 were given to Auburn Lodge No. 124 in Auburn, Parian Lodge No. 207 in Callaway and Peru Lodge No. 14 in Peru to help mitigate flood damage the previous year. An attempt at the Imperial meeting of the Shrine to cut its ties with Freemasonry was defeated with 75 percent of Shriners voting against the proposal forwarded by the Imperial Potentate. The Committee on Nebraska Work completed floor work manuals for each lodge officer and distributed them to lodges. The committee discovered it was difficult to integrate the several manuals during a School of Instruction, and they decided to develop a continuous manual. Recommendations seeking to increase dues by 50-cents to cover costs for the Nebraska Mason, the Masonic-Eastern Star Home for Children and the general fund were defeated.

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The Orphans Fund, which was created at the close of the Civil War, had received sufficient funds that no per capita assessments were needed. The chairman of the committee said there was no Mason living who ever put a dime in this account. The Grand Custodian reported that of the top 10 lodges with the greatest number of certified men, five were located in Lincoln.

Members of appendant bodies joined in the planning sessions for the event that would be held in 2002 and coordinated by the Grand Lodge Youth Committee. Grand Lodge dues were approved at Annual Communication to increase $1 a year for five years. Jason Wood, DeMolay International Master Councilor and the first DeMolay from Nebraska to attain that position, addressed the Annual Communication. A permanent committee was created in the bylaws to plan the camp for the Masonic All-Star Marching Band. The Grand Lodge officers hosted the Midwest Conference of Grand Masters and Secretaries in Lincoln. A presentation was made about the Grand Lodge’s Masonic All-Star Marching Band.

His recommendation was approved that lodges prefer charges against a brother who violated the law by using them. The Grand Custodian suggested lodges work directly with Assistant Custodians to make arrangements for examination. Attendance at the Schools of Instruction was far below previous years, and 60 schools were canceled.

Dating Accelerator – James Marshall

We are also just beginning to read Isocrates and Terence, each twice a week. On the latter our tutor will give us some notes which he received in a college from Perizonius. He took care, as far as possible, that we understood the sense as well as remembered the words of what we had read, and that we should not suffer ourselves to be cheated with obscure terms which had no meaning.

A special committee examining the establishment of an annuity plan reported it was in the best interest of the Craft to create a society to provide such a plan under the supervision and control of the Grand Lodge. They cited not only giving members a secure income, but development of a large endowment fund to benefit the Grand Lodge’s charities. Six lodges raised 426 Master Masons, an average of 71 each and conferred five degrees a week. The lodges were Lancaster Lodge No. 54 in Lincoln , Capitol Lodge No. 3 in Omaha , Nebraska Lodge No.1 in Omaha , St. Johns Lodge No. 25 in Omaha , Lincoln Lodge No. 19 in Lincoln and Covert Lodge No. 11 in Omaha .

The change grew out of incidents in two lodges where petitioners were rejected and then petitioned another lodge and received the degrees. The Grand Master required that lodges report the number of delinquent brothers in their annual report. After he sent a letter to lodges, delinquent dues were substantially reduced. In one instance, he found that a lodge’s finances were depleted because of excessive expenditures on cigars and banquets.

The illustrations add to the story telling and provide proper foreshadow for children to further observe and discuss why the straw house didn’t work and why the stick house didn’t work. You can see the dialogue from the people the pigs buy their materials from leads to their fate. So, if children observe this, they can see that it’s detailing to the upcoming events. The man with the bricks initially said it would make a sturdy house and that third pig listened and didn’t act like a know it all, therefore he had a successful and sturdy house! I love this new story telling of The Three Little Pigs and I think students will love it too. I gave this book five stars because the book told a great story that would keep children’s interest and wanting to know what’s going to happen next, its a very fun book.

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The group organized a corps of speakers that addressed the Central Schools of Instruction and other Masonic gatherings. With the recent completion of the Veterans Hospital in Lincoln, the Masters and Wardens of Lincoln’s lodges organized a Hospital Service Club to regularly visit Masons staying there. After discovering there was no Grand Lodge inscription on a cornerstone, the Grand Master refused to lay it. The inscription was included at the last minute and he recommended that a bylaw be prepared requiring what must be inscribed on a cornerstone.

It had referred topics mentioned in officer reports to committees for their and the Grand Lodge’s consideration. The Awards Committee evaluated current Grand Lodge awards and developed criteria and new awards to recognize the work of Masons, lodges and non-Masons. Introduced at workshops was the Masonic Leadership Award, to recognize a Mason’s lodge and community work, and the Masonic Achievement Award to non-Masons for community work. The meals of guests at Friendship Night dinners held at lodges were reimbursed by the Nebraska Masonic Foundation.

The high point of the Conference of Grand Masters was the unveiling of a 17-foot bronze statue of George Washington at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia, contributed by DeMolay International. Blueprints were completed for new wings of the infirmary at The Nebraska Masonic Home. A committee examined building plans of many of the nation’s Masonic homes. The Masonic-Eastern Star Home for Children was faced with replacement and repairs delayed because of the war.

They discussed how the committee could support their membership, and encouraged the groups to interact with each other. All chairmen of lodge education committees were presented a workbook by the Masonic Education Committee on developing a Masonic education program. Falling in compliance with a new law that required safety committees in all businesses, the number of days lost due to work-related incidents dropped from 252 in 1992 to 15 in 1993 at The Nebraska Masonic Home.