How I Deal With Judgment About Dating A Younger Man

He was older than I was, but that was never an issue. But he had some unrealistic expectations – thinking “I was married and was happy. So I did the right thing and we stopped dating, but we stayed best friends and stayed close. Within a year he married a girl a year younger than me who was just trying to move out of her parent’s house. He later told me that he knew on the honeymoon that it wasn’t going to work.

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As a widower, I can tell you what you can do, is be paitent and supportive. I am only 3 months into this miserable journey, and I can’t imagine dating again yet. I know people that started dating a month after their late spouses memorial service. Grief is a strange thing, and there are a LOT of factors in it. Just be kind, and supportive, and non judgemental. 2009 I met this girl and we became friends, we even became best friends.

He and I dated for only two months and then got married after that. Some people thought I was looking for a sugar daddy, but that’s not true. He treats me so well, and makes love to me so passionately.

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It can make it feel you aren’t quite getting to know who they are as a person, or that the natural progression of intimacy and closeness is developing slowly, Long says. Not everyone is super chatty, and that’s OK. But if your partner refuses to talk about themselves — much less their past — there’s probably a reason why.

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She also just went on a vacation with her brother and sister- in law, and her husband’s best friend and his wife…and all their kids. And dogs and Siamese cats, work on antique cars for a living and maintain his home etc. His children are wonderful, well brought up & adore their dad.

She also had fears about putting herself out there again with the idea that she could be hurt again by someone having health concerns and dying also. Sometimes it’s easier to feel numb opposed to feeling a great deal and being vulnerable to being hurt through loss again. I have been dating a recently divorced man for about two months. We got serious pretty fast and his exwife died last night from COVID complications. He posted on Facebook that nobody knew his ex wife like he did among other things about their relationship.

I have dated women that have gone through divorces and dealing with those types of issues however dealing with loss is completely different. It takes a very unique individual to navigate through the various challenges that can be presented. One of them is if your partner is not great at communicating what is going on in their mind during their grieving. I tend to be the type of person that will talk through any issue which may be unusual for men.

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I am dating a widower, and although I do have many questions on the “right” way to handle some situations, I accept the fact that he loved, and will always love his late wife. For those of us who have never dated a widow this is uncharted territory and those who truly care about the other will be patient and try to understand. In my situation, my father is also a widower and was for many years before I connected with my guy, so I have a little insight, both from watching my dad and having lost someone I care about deeply .

My own father remarried a woman 10 years younger than himself. I have watched and decided that this is what most widowed men choose to do! In our culture, it is much easier for a man to remarry than for a woman to remarry. The man has a much wider field to choose from. One reason is there are so many more widows than widowers left alone. Another reason is that men are typically the aggressor who pursues.

I am really confused and don’t know how I feel. I am a single mother myself and not sure if I’m ready to become a full time stepparent. Just not sure when and how to approach the subject. I felt like he was with me because I chose him as my love , but I do not feel chose back. I want to leave the relationship right away.

But, the reality of what I’ve seen is that most men won’t consider someone their own age first. So this game just gets harder, the older a widow becomes. I have no desire to even look at a man who is over 70. Why would I when the chance of him dying is so high?!? The thought of being alone for 25 years haunted me when I was widowed at 62, and I didn’t know if I could survive.

If you’re still dating or talking to someone at the one- or two-month mark, you should be invited to get together during weekend evening hours. If not, it’s a brush-off—and your self-esteem is begging you to move on. If you meet someone you like, make a concerted effort to not break plans in the first few weeks of dating.

Other people deserve to be happy the same way you want to be happy. In the end, you’ll be able to have a more fulfilling relationship once you’re healed. If this sounds too hard, remember that the situation of dating someone on a different page than you is also hard.

I am having a difficult time feeling like this place is ours because of that. All of her decorations are still up, the kitchen is still filled with the things she picked out. Its been hard not feeling like I live in the shadow of a dead woman.